About World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR)
The World Health Organization says that in 2013, a total of about 1.24 million people lost their lives due to road traffic accidents. Each year, approximately 20 to 50 million others sustain serious injuries.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR) is commemorated each year to remember the millions whose lives are taken or injured on the world’s roads. It also remembers the struggles of the victims’ families and friends as well as others affected by every unfortunate event that involves vehicles.
The event intends significantly reduce the number of accidents each year by spreading information about road safety and highlighting key risk factors that contribute to the statistics, including: impaired driving due to alcohol, drugs or fatigue, deficient road infrastructure, non-use of safety features like seatbelts and child restraints, speeding, and cellphone use and texting.
Design Out Speeding: Let’s make 2011-2020 a Decade to Remember!
The theme Design Out Speeding: Let’s make 2011-2020 a Decade to Remember! intends to reduce the number of road accidents by boosting the calling in Pillar 3 of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Safer Vehicles—ones that have improved safety & crash avoidance technologies and with high levels of occupant & vulnerable road user protection. It also calls for stronger and more transparent consumer information about safety performance of motor vehicles and minimum crash test standards, among others.
Excessive speed is a key contributory cause of road deaths and injuries. Hence, technologies that design out speeding potentially have the ability to produce vehicles that could better protect the lives of both its passengers and those outside it.
In commemoration of World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, the DOTC, UNTV and MDDPA invite you to:
EVENT: Design Out Speeding
DATE: December 7, 2014 (7am)
VENUE: Bulacan Sports Complex, Sta. Isabel, Malolos
Highlights of the Event:
— Recognition of AH26 Tacloban Rescue Riders
— Arangkada Riders Alliance
— Road Safety Demo by UNTV News and Rescue
— Manibela
— MC Rider Ako Launching